5 Celebrities Who Have Been Arrested In 2023

5 Celebrities Who Have Been Arrested In 2023

Environmental activist Greta Thunberg was detained by the police in London, for participating in a protest. However, she is not the only famous activist to have been put behind bars for engaging in demonstrations.

According to Celebrity News, below we have selected five celebrities who were arrested after protesting for the most diverse causes from the environment to human rights. The list involves celebrities you probably know from television or cinema. Check out! (Also Check – Celebrity Deaths 2023: Stars We’ve Lost Us)

Greta Thunberg

The climate activist was recently arrested in London while participating in a protest in the city center against oil and gas companies. According to a witness, Greta had addressed the protesters. She had also been detained twice at a demonstration for indigenous rights in Norway, in March, and once during a protest at a coal mine in Germany, in January 2023.

Jane Fonda

In 2019, the American actress was arrested after protesting against climate change on the steps of the Capitol, in Washington (USA). At the time, she was about to turn 82 years old. The protest was organized by the group Oil Change International, inspired by the actions of Greta Thunberg.

Samar Badawi

Saudi, Samar is a human rights activist. In 2018, she was arrested for involvement with a Twitter account that campaigned for the release of Samar’s husband, also imprisoned by the country’s regime. In 2012, she had already received an award from the United States for her activism against the patriarchal system in Saudi Arabia. (Interesting Topics – CELEBRITY WEDDINGS IN 2023: ALL THE COUPLES WHO GOT MARRIED THIS YEAR)

Shailene Woodley

Famous for her roles in Divergent, The Fault in Our Stars, and Big Little Lies, the actress was arrested in 2016 at a protest in North Dakota, in the USA. The demonstration was peaceful, against the construction of an oil pipeline. Shailene was broadcasting live on Facebook when the police detained her.

Susan Sarandon

The actress and activist has already received the Oscar for Best Actress and was a UN Goodwill Ambassador. In 1999, she was arrested with 219 other people during a protest against the police. The demonstration was motivated after police officers shot an unarmed African immigrant. This year, Susan was arrested again in May, for protesting at the Capitol for fair minimum wages.


These are the famous personalities who have been arrested this year. Along with this, they also offer some good activities in their life. If you want to know more information about them and any other celebrities, stay on the Media Circle website. (Explore Most Horror Story – Trails Carolina Horror Stories)

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