13 Celebrities Who Don’t Have Children Yet

13 Celebrities Who Don’t Have Children Yet

Sometimes not having children is a choice! Let’s discover these 13 stars that have made their decision several years ago about motherhood and fatherhood.

Some have dreamed of having children since they were little. Seeing your child grow up, teaching those strong values, and opening their eyes to the world, makes many dreams! While other people, don’t have that same ambition and goal in life.

And speaking of decisions, some stars have made this decision: the choice of not wanting children in their lives. But it’s not because they didn’t like children! When deciding to become a parent, there are many factors to consider.

Let’s find out who are these 13 celebrities who have chosen not to want children, at any age.

1. Keanu Reeves

The 57-year-old actor should have had a child with his ex-girlfriend at the time, but the baby died at 8 months of pregnancy. In 2017, he spoke about his choice not to have had children: “It’s too late. It’s over. I am 52 years old. I won’t have children.

2. Leonardo Dicaprio

The 47-year-old actor and activist has always had very clear ideas when it comes to his choice of not wanting children. He explains: “Are you saying that I want to bring children into a world like this?” He doesn’t need to plan for a baby in his life but he loves babies so much. 

3. Cameron Diaz

Cameron Diaz

In an interview, Cameron had explained that no, she wasn’t depressed about not having children, and she had never been particularly interested in motherhood.

4. Kylie Minogue

For Kylie, it’s a little different, since the star explains that she always wanted children, but never found the man with whom to take the plunge. The beauty has not had an easy love life and at 50, she admits that she will probably never be a mother.

5. Helen Mirren

She has been married for over 20 years, looks in love like the first day, and has never had a child. Not because she didn’t want it, she explains, but because the moment never seemed right and by putting it off, time passed, which didn’t pose a problem for her: The actress says she has no regrets.

6. Arielle Dombasle

The actress-turned-singer has been married for almost 25 years to the philosopher Bernard-Henri Lévy, and not being a mother was a choice, as she explained in an interview with Marc-Olivier Fogiel. “It’s so beautiful, it’s admirable and yet, I, fiercely, never wanted it. I don’t understand why but that’s how it is.”

7. Kim Cattrall

Married to Mark Levinson in 1998, the actress chose to abandon IVF (in vitro fertilization) procedures to devote herself to her role as Samantha in Sex and the City. “It was the first time in my life, and it was extraordinary, that I said to myself “maybe I won’t have children”. And she regrets nothing, explaining that she enjoys her role as an aunt.

8. Béatrice Dalle

For her, it was a definite no. The actress explained her choice in an interview with VSD: “I didn’t want to take responsibility for someone else.”

9. Renee Zellweger

Regularly targeted by haters, Renée explains that she does not feel the need to conform to a plan to flourish. She doesn’t say ‘no’ just that it will happen if it has to happen: “I have always been open to what could happen, curious to see what happens next. I never premeditated my life or what I needed to do to be happy.”

10. Jared Leto

The 50-year-old actor had revealed, a few years ago, that he was not ready to have a child, that becoming a father was not an easy task, and that it required great responsibility: “I think it’s really important to be present if you have children. I have a lot of…things to sort out.”

11. Oprah Winfrey

The 68-year-old television host has been in a relationship with her other half for 36 years, but still admits her choice not to have children: “I wouldn’t have been a good mother for my children. I don’t have the patience. I have patience for puppies.”

12. Dolly Parton

The 76-year-old country singer has a very strong relationship with children, but never had one: “I grew up in a big family with 8 younger children. I often think that it just wasn’t meant for me to have kids, so everyone’s kids could be mine.

13. Marisa Tomei

The 57-year-old actress revealed in 2009 in an interview with ‘Manhattan Magazine’: “I’m not a fan of marriage as an institution. And don’t know why women need children to be considered full human beings”.


They are the celebrities who choose not to have a child in their life and this is their personal decision. Therefore if you want to know more about Celebrity News, stay Media Circle website.

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