10 Steps To Make Curd (Dahi) At Home

10 Steps To Make Curd (Dahi) At Home

The summer sun blazing? Feeling the heat? Cool down from the inside out with a bowl of homemade curd, also known as dahi! This creamy yogurt-like food is a staple in Indian cuisine, perfect for eating on its own, using in raitas, or adding a tangy touch to curries.

The beauty of curd lies in its simplicity. Traditionally made with just milk and a little bit of culture (starter), it’s a healthy and budget-friendly way to enjoy the benefits of yogurt. Plus, making curd at home allows you to control the ingredients and thickness.

Here’s a guide with 10 easy steps to get you started on your curd-making journey:

Curd Making Essentials:

  • Milk: Choose whole milk for the richest and creamiest curd. You can also use low-fat or skim milk, but the curd will be thinner.
  • Starter Culture: This is what kickstarts the fermentation process, turning milk into curd. You can use plain yogurt with live cultures, buttermilk, or even a little bit of leftover curd from a previous batch.
  • Warm and Cozy Spot: Curd needs a warm environment to ferment properly. Aim for a temperature between 105°F (40°C) and 115°F (46°C).

10 Steps to Homemade Curd Goodness:

  1. Cleanliness is Key: Wash your pot and utensils thoroughly with hot, soapy water. This helps prevent unwanted bacteria from spoiling your curd.
  2. Boil the Milk: Pour your milk into a pot and heat it over medium heat. Bring it to a boil, stirring occasionally to prevent scorching.
  3. Let it Cool Down: Once the milk boils, remove it from the heat and let it cool down to lukewarm temperature. Ideally, you want the milk to be around 105°F (40°C) to 115°F (46°C). You can check the temperature with a thermometer or by dipping a clean finger in the milk – it should feel warm but not hot.
  4. Introduce the Culture: Once the milk reaches the right temperature, whisk in your chosen starter culture – plain yogurt, buttermilk, or leftover curd. Make sure it mixes evenly.
  5. Finding the Perfect Spot: Now comes the magic of fermentation! Choose a warm and cozy spot for your pot. You can wrap it in a towel or blanket, or place it near a low-heat appliance like a preheated oven (turned off) with the light on.
  6. Patience is a Virtue: Let the curd sit undisturbed for 6-8 hours. During this time, the milk will thicken and develop a tangy flavor. Resist the urge to peek or open the pot, as this can disrupt the fermentation process.
  7. The Curd Test: After 6-8 hours, gently tilt the pot. If the curd has set and separates cleanly from the sides, it’s ready! If it’s still too loose, give it another hour or two.
  8. Chill Time: Once your curd is set, transfer it to the refrigerator for at least 2-3 hours. This allows the flavors to develop further and gives you a nice chilled curd to enjoy.
  9. Get Creative (Optional): Once chilled, you can enjoy your homemade curd plain, with a drizzle of honey or chopped fruit. You can also use it in raitas, dips, or even as a tangy topping for curries.
  10. Storing Tips: Homemade curd can be stored in the refrigerator for up to a week. Make sure to keep it in an airtight container to prevent contamination.

There you have it! 10 simple steps to cool and creamy homemade curd.

Here are some additional tips:

  • Use full-fat milk for the thickest and creamiest curd.
  • If you don’t have any starter culture, you can try using a few pods of green cardamom as a natural alternative. However, the results may not be as consistent.
  • If your curd doesn’t set properly, it might be due to the milk not being warm enough or the starter culture being inactive. Try again with a fresh batch of milk and a new starter.
  • With a little practice, you’ll be a curd-making pro in no time!

So, ditch the store-bought yogurts and embrace the satisfaction of making your own delicious and healthy curd at home. Happy curdling!

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